Jugar Ace Stream Media en PC con NoxPlayer
Ace Stream Media is an open source multimedia application with a featurerich player (based on LibVLC), providing the following features:
Playback of any video and audio files, including MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg, FLAC, TS, M2TS, Wv and AAC, as well as playback of network streams that are broadcasted via protocols HTTP(S), RTMP, FTP, BitTorrent, Ace Stream, etc. All codecs are included, without the need for separate downloads.
The application includes a media library for audio and video files and allows you to browse folders directly.
There is support for multichannel audio, subtitles, teletext and closed captions.
There is support for autorotate, aspect ratio adjustments and gestures to control volume, brightness and search.
Ability to play content on remote devices and TV, via communication protocols Ace Cast, AirPlay, Google Cast, etc.
Note: In this release the default output format in settings is set to "auto", which means that the stream is transcoded when playing video in MKV container with AC3 codec on devices and players with no support for this audio codec (Apple TV, Chromecast etc.). This leads to considerable delays when starting playback and increases response when seeking (especially on lowpowered devices). Therefore, if your remote device or player supports AC3 audio codec, then you can go to settings and switch the output format to something more convenient.
Important! To maximize the comfort and stability of the broadcast, when playing content from P2P networks (BitTorrent / Ace Stream) on a remote device, use Ace Cast communication. To use Ace Cast it is necessary that the Ace Stream application is installed on the device from which the broadcast will be transmitted, as well as on the device on which the broadcast will be played.
Ace Stream Media is an aggregate application which contains the following products:
Ace Stream Engine (Server) is a universal multimedia stream manager which uses the most advanced P2P technologies for efficient data storage and transmission (MIT License, https://github.com/acestream/acestreamengineandroid)
Ace Media Library an improved modification of the most popular crossplatform multimedia player "VLC media player", with support for P2Pprotocols and additional functionality. Distributed as open source (GPLv3 or later, https://github.com/acestream/acemedialibraryandroid)
Ace Stream TV service module for Android TV, for viewing broadcasts in the system "Live Channels" application (module for Android TV Input Framework, https://source.android.com/devices/tv)
Attention! Ace Stream Media does not contain any video and audio content, including links to such content, and does not provide an ability to create and publish content which is visible to or accessible by other app's users. This application is intended solely for organizing and/or playing user's personal content (which is either owned by him or is at his disposal), as well as for playing other legal content, including content that is freely available on the Internet, by selfadding such content (video, audio, photos, texts or any other materials) in the application.
Playback of any video and audio files, including MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg, FLAC, TS, M2TS, Wv and AAC, as well as playback of network streams that are broadcasted via protocols HTTP(S), RTMP, FTP, BitTorrent, Ace Stream, etc. All codecs are included, without the need for separate downloads.
The application includes a media library for audio and video files and allows you to browse folders directly.
There is support for multichannel audio, subtitles, teletext and closed captions.
There is support for autorotate, aspect ratio adjustments and gestures to control volume, brightness and search.
Ability to play content on remote devices and TV, via communication protocols Ace Cast, AirPlay, Google Cast, etc.
Note: In this release the default output format in settings is set to "auto", which means that the stream is transcoded when playing video in MKV container with AC3 codec on devices and players with no support for this audio codec (Apple TV, Chromecast etc.). This leads to considerable delays when starting playback and increases response when seeking (especially on lowpowered devices). Therefore, if your remote device or player supports AC3 audio codec, then you can go to settings and switch the output format to something more convenient.
Important! To maximize the comfort and stability of the broadcast, when playing content from P2P networks (BitTorrent / Ace Stream) on a remote device, use Ace Cast communication. To use Ace Cast it is necessary that the Ace Stream application is installed on the device from which the broadcast will be transmitted, as well as on the device on which the broadcast will be played.
Ace Stream Media is an aggregate application which contains the following products:
Ace Stream Engine (Server) is a universal multimedia stream manager which uses the most advanced P2P technologies for efficient data storage and transmission (MIT License, https://github.com/acestream/acestreamengineandroid)
Ace Media Library an improved modification of the most popular crossplatform multimedia player "VLC media player", with support for P2Pprotocols and additional functionality. Distributed as open source (GPLv3 or later, https://github.com/acestream/acemedialibraryandroid)
Ace Stream TV service module for Android TV, for viewing broadcasts in the system "Live Channels" application (module for Android TV Input Framework, https://source.android.com/devices/tv)
Attention! Ace Stream Media does not contain any video and audio content, including links to such content, and does not provide an ability to create and publish content which is visible to or accessible by other app's users. This application is intended solely for organizing and/or playing user's personal content (which is either owned by him or is at his disposal), as well as for playing other legal content, including content that is freely available on the Internet, by selfadding such content (video, audio, photos, texts or any other materials) in the application.
NoxPlayer te ofrece la mejor experiencia de juego.
Operaciones personalizadasPersonalizar el mapeo de teclas. Disfruta de la mejor experiencia de juego desde PC
Ejecutar múltiples juegos a la vezPuedes ejecutar diferentes juegos al mismo tiempo o jugar el mismo juego desde diferentes cuentas con Multi-Drive
Cómo jugar Ace Stream Media en PC usando NoxPlayer
1Descarga NoxPlayer en tu PC
2Ejecutar el paquete de instalación y completa la instalación
3Buscar Ace Stream Media en NoxPlayer
4Instalar el juego en Google Play
5Clic el juego para empezar
6Jugar Ace Stream Media con NoxPlayer desde PC más fácilmente
Métodos simples
Método 1. Haz clic en "Descargar en PC" para descargar NoxPlayer y el archivo apk al mismo tiempo. Una vez que se complete la instalación, jugar el juego en la PC.
Método 2. Si ya tienes NoxPlayer en la PC, haz clic en "Descargar APK", luego arrastra y suelta el archivo en el emulador para instalarlo.
El maravilloso vídeo de xxx Ace Stream Media
¿Quieres ejecutar Ace Stream Media con una mejor experiencia? Con el beneficio de una pantalla más grande, un teclado más inteligente y un mayor rendimiento del hardware, NoxPlayer te ofrece una experiencia de juego extrema en la PC. Al descargar y jugar Ace Stream Media en la PC a través de NoxPlayer, los usuarios no No necesita preocuparse por la batería o la interrupción de la llamada.
NoxPlayer es compatible con Android 7 y admite la ejecución de más del 90% de los juegos móviles en PC, lo que mejorará tu experiencia de juego a la perfección. Además, al abrir varias instancias, Noxplayer admite la ejecución de varios juegos o aplicaciones al mismo tiempo, o chatear con tu amigo mientras juegas.
NoxPlayer es perfectamente compatible con AMD e Intel con la exclusiva tecnología de virtualización central, lo que hace que tu computadora funcione de manera más estable y sin problemas. ¡Descarga NoxPlayer y experiméntalo ahora!
Juegos Populares
NoxPlayer está diseñado para Windows y MAC OS, visita este sitio web a través del navegador de tu computadora para descargar NoxPlayer