Jugar Code Atma en PC con NoxPlayer
There exists a world that few can see, and fewer still seek out.
Code Atma is a modern RPG, set in a supernatural technothriller world where humanity, technology, and ancient beliefs intersect in a secret war. Journey into this familiar but strange world and lose yourself in the immersive story, characters, and Atma you will encounter.
You will take on the role of a Seeker. Among the brave few who will harness humanity’s collective advancements in technology to wage a secret war beyond the veil of life, death, and myth. Alongside the secret Asterisk Initiative, you will dive into the depths of a dark and supernatural technothriller of the Atma – souls of forgotten myths and curses, turned weapons in a war between the light and dark. A war beyond the veil.
Supernatural Technothriller World:
The world of Atma presents an eerily familiar contemporary setting that is steeped in the exotic supernatural lore of ancient civilizations, urban myths, and epic legends. As mysticism and technology collide, this unseen world teeters on the edge of allout war.
Mobiletailored RPG:
Code Atma presents a streamlined but immersive RPG experience that takes players on a journey through a world that is hidden in plain sight and revealed solely through the lens of a mobile application.
Investigative Mystery, with a Supernatural Twist:
The main story campaign will thrust players into a supernatural mystery thriller that will evolve and progress the unique characters, points of views, and mythology of the Atma world. Follow pivotal characters as they navigate a dark urban setting in the midst of a supernatural upheaval.
A Supernatural Menagerie:
Collect hundreds of unique Atma characters drawn from the exotic myths, legends, and epics from SouthEast Asia and around the world. Lose yourself into their unique stories as you discover the bountiful depths of their mythology.
Tactical, Loredriven Combat:
With unique lore and mythological origins, every Atma brings a unique story into the battlefield. Skill synergies and loredriven relationships bring an added layer of tactical depth to every encounter.
Beauty in the Darkness:
Code Atma renders the dark and mysterious underbelly of the supernatural world in beautifully handdrawn art that juxtaposes the inherent horror of the unknown and the visual whimsy of animeinspired art.
Join the community of fellow Seekers!
For inquiries, bug report, and more, reach us here:
[email protected]
Code Atma is a modern RPG, set in a supernatural technothriller world where humanity, technology, and ancient beliefs intersect in a secret war. Journey into this familiar but strange world and lose yourself in the immersive story, characters, and Atma you will encounter.
You will take on the role of a Seeker. Among the brave few who will harness humanity’s collective advancements in technology to wage a secret war beyond the veil of life, death, and myth. Alongside the secret Asterisk Initiative, you will dive into the depths of a dark and supernatural technothriller of the Atma – souls of forgotten myths and curses, turned weapons in a war between the light and dark. A war beyond the veil.
Supernatural Technothriller World:
The world of Atma presents an eerily familiar contemporary setting that is steeped in the exotic supernatural lore of ancient civilizations, urban myths, and epic legends. As mysticism and technology collide, this unseen world teeters on the edge of allout war.
Mobiletailored RPG:
Code Atma presents a streamlined but immersive RPG experience that takes players on a journey through a world that is hidden in plain sight and revealed solely through the lens of a mobile application.
Investigative Mystery, with a Supernatural Twist:
The main story campaign will thrust players into a supernatural mystery thriller that will evolve and progress the unique characters, points of views, and mythology of the Atma world. Follow pivotal characters as they navigate a dark urban setting in the midst of a supernatural upheaval.
A Supernatural Menagerie:
Collect hundreds of unique Atma characters drawn from the exotic myths, legends, and epics from SouthEast Asia and around the world. Lose yourself into their unique stories as you discover the bountiful depths of their mythology.
Tactical, Loredriven Combat:
With unique lore and mythological origins, every Atma brings a unique story into the battlefield. Skill synergies and loredriven relationships bring an added layer of tactical depth to every encounter.
Beauty in the Darkness:
Code Atma renders the dark and mysterious underbelly of the supernatural world in beautifully handdrawn art that juxtaposes the inherent horror of the unknown and the visual whimsy of animeinspired art.
Join the community of fellow Seekers!
For inquiries, bug report, and more, reach us here:
[email protected]
NoxPlayer te ofrece la mejor experiencia de juego.
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Ejecutar múltiples juegos a la vezPuedes ejecutar diferentes juegos al mismo tiempo o jugar el mismo juego desde diferentes cuentas con Multi-Drive
Cómo jugar Code Atma en PC usando NoxPlayer
1Descarga NoxPlayer en tu PC
2Ejecutar el paquete de instalación y completa la instalación
3Buscar Code Atma en NoxPlayer
4Instalar el juego en Google Play
5Clic el juego para empezar
6Jugar Code Atma con NoxPlayer desde PC más fácilmente
Métodos simples
Método 1. Haz clic en "Descargar en PC" para descargar NoxPlayer y el archivo apk al mismo tiempo. Una vez que se complete la instalación, jugar el juego en la PC.
Método 2. Si ya tienes NoxPlayer en la PC, haz clic en "Descargar APK", luego arrastra y suelta el archivo en el emulador para instalarlo.
El maravilloso vídeo de xxx Code Atma
¿Quieres ejecutar Code Atma con una mejor experiencia? Con el beneficio de una pantalla más grande, un teclado más inteligente y un mayor rendimiento del hardware, NoxPlayer te ofrece una experiencia de juego extrema en la PC. Al descargar y jugar Code Atma en la PC a través de NoxPlayer, los usuarios no No necesita preocuparse por la batería o la interrupción de la llamada.
NoxPlayer es compatible con Android 7 y admite la ejecución de más del 90% de los juegos móviles en PC, lo que mejorará tu experiencia de juego a la perfección. Además, al abrir varias instancias, Noxplayer admite la ejecución de varios juegos o aplicaciones al mismo tiempo, o chatear con tu amigo mientras juegas.
NoxPlayer es perfectamente compatible con AMD e Intel con la exclusiva tecnología de virtualización central, lo que hace que tu computadora funcione de manera más estable y sin problemas. ¡Descarga NoxPlayer y experiméntalo ahora!
Juegos Populares
NoxPlayer está diseñado para Windows y MAC OS, visita este sitio web a través del navegador de tu computadora para descargar NoxPlayer